The subject of regulation stimulates strong opinions.



       Almost nobody in the telecommunications industry can claim to be uninterested in the topic and indeed few are disinterested in its impact. In short, regulation matters.




But despite that, it is a subject that is widely misunderstood. Many members of the public look at the regulator as a watch dogwhose duty it is to right every wrong and keep order in the industry. Some go further and expect the regulator to act as a fairy godmother who will magically deliver their very wish. Even players in the industry itself sometimes like to think that it is the regulator’s job to ensure their business plan is viable and remains so whatever happens to market conditions. Some even think wethe regulatorscan prevent companies from going bust. If only it were so. But then, how damaging it might be if we truly had the powers of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice!



The reality is that all regulators are “creatures of statute”,whose role and powers are closely defined by law, albeit that their wider objectives are general enough to leave plenty of scope to adopt different tactics, as can be seen by the different approaches taken across the globe or even within the common framework in Eruope.




As an engineer myself, I like to think of regulation as a form of negative feedback. It is a form of control mechanism that has the effect of limiting the worst extremes of market swing and instability, but is not so constraining as to prevent any given swing from occurring at all. It does not define how the market will be, but has a strong influence on how it behaves. It is there to mitigate those aspects of “market failure” where intervention has a net beneficial effect. And that means that doing nothing is sometimes the right answer.



Inevitably, for such an important subject, much has been written about regulation in recent years. This includes articles in the tabloid newspapers, which complain about the “scandal” of high prices or poor service: “Something must be done”, they proclaim. At the other end of the spectrum, some heavyweight books, mostly targeted at professional people in these disciplines, have been written about the economic and legal principles that underpin regulation.


[1] 英文童書名


[3] 其實譯者在Amazon上發現直接顯明表示著作名稱為法規者,並不多見。

[4] 在歐美日本,此等學問被賦與許多不同名稱,近三十年前概以公共行政、行政管理(Public Administration)、財政學稱之。晚近則名目繁多、研究與探討角度亦相異,除上述名稱外,如法規學、公共選擇(public choice)、制度經濟學(institutional economics)等學科或學門亦已出現。

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